Forever Paws Animals Shelter
300 Lynwood St, Fall River, MA 02721
(508) 677-9154
"Giving animals a new leash on life."
Shelter License # 180
Forever Paws Animal Shelter finds new homes for abused and abandoned pets. Strays rescued from the streets, taken from dumpsters and abusive situations, frightened, hungry and often in need of medical attention, are brought to us and are soon restored to health, dignity, and happiness while in our care.
Forever Paws also works hard to find new homes for pets that can no longer be kept by their owners. Forever Paws offers a positive solution to people finding themselves in the agonizing situation of having to surrender a pet.
Forever Paws is a non-profit organization. It relies on donations, fundraisers, adoptions, and dedicated benefactors, to keep the shelter in operation, as it does not receive any state or federal funding.
*Our Current Board of Directors*
A very special Thank you to our Board of Directors.
This amazing group volunteers endless amount of time to the shelter. From governing the organization, to transports, community outreach, fundraising, and volunteering in the day to day needs of the shelter. You will often see members of our board at the shelter cleaning, answering phones as well as at all of our fundraisers. Anything the shelter needs this committed group of people are there to make it happen.

Forever Paws works to give the animals the gift of time. Many municipal shelters are so crowded that the can't keep lost or stray animals for more than a few days.
Every animal taken into the shelter is given complete veterinary care, is neutered or spayed, evaluated and given training and behavioral rehabilitation if needed.
We don't place "time limits" on animals, with the animals' quality of life being our first priority.Once accepted into our adoption program, animals are comfortably housed until adopted. ls' In 2017, we had an adoption rate of 97%.
We educate the public on animal issues.
We provide shelter for area strays, which is a benefit to the public health of our community.
We provide shelter for pets that can no longer be cared for by their owners. This gives great peace of mind to the elderly or ill who find they can no longer cope with a beloved pet.