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Thank You

This is a sampling of some of the wonderful businesses and people who have donated to Forever Paws.  
If you would like to be recognized, please contact Theresa at the Shelter and we'd be happy to include you and your donations as well.



Please take a moment and read about this amazing young girl who is already making a difference in the animal world. We are honored that she chose Forever Paws as one of the shelter she donates to. She has sent out over 83 gift cards, and is hoping to send out many more!
Please help us in welcoming her to the FOREVER PAWS COMMUNITY!!!
Like and share her page, and you will be helping her help animals!!

Avery's Pawsitive Change on Facebook!

Bella Simoes of Fall River brought us stuff! 


We so appreciate all the young people who collect donations for us. Thanks to Bella, we now have new dog leashes, cat beds and tasty treats and food for the dogs and cats!

Look Back!

If you look back on this thanks page, you will see that Delaney Lippert's photo has appeared several times over the years. That is because every year Delaney collects donations for our shelter for her birthday in February. This year Delaney turned 13 and will be attending Cummings School of Veterinary Medicine's "Adventures in Veterinary Medicine" program in April during her school vacation to explore possibilities in the veterinary field.  Have fun and good luck Delaney!!   And of course, thank you from all your four legged friends at Forever Paws. It is such a joy watching you grow!


Thank You Mechanics Bank! 

Voting began in February of this year and was open to all Mechanics Cooperative Bank customers that had a loan or deposit account.

All were asked to vote through the Bank's website to voice their opinion on which local non-profit organization deserved a share of the $25,000! It was an extremely tight race right down to the finish but Forever Paws Took first Place! 




5 Years Old!!!


Ruby Earle of Westport turned 5 years old on March 4th.  Her gifts were food, toys, treats and bowls for our animals, and, a big yummy birthday cake for our staff!! Many thanks to one very sweet 5 year old, and her parents. 




Everything I Need to Know I Learned in.....

It appears that everything we need to know can be learned in Berkley Middle School's 5th grade class!  Ms. Rockcliffe and Ms. Urbanek's class collected donations for Forever Paws Animal Shelter.  Hannah Grishey brought the goodies to us Nov. 20th wrapped in wonderful colors with cheery messages!  Thoughtfulness, sharing and spreading happiness.  What a great lesson!

Thanks kids!


A Nice Visit!

On July 1st, our friend and supporter Delaney Lippet of Little Compton brought her friend Addie Page, and a whole box of donations to us.  In the box were training aids, toys, treats and a generous monetary donation that they had collected.  Delaney has been helping us for years, and it's nice to see her involving other young people.  Thank you, as always, to Delaney.....and now also to Addie! You are terrific!!


Thank You Delaney!

Delaney's Back!! For the third time, Delaney Lippert of Little Compton collected donations for our shelter in lieu of gifts for her birthday. This year, Delaney turned 11 and is continuing to pursue her dream of becoming a veterinarian some day. She brought our animals food and a monetary donation as well. One donor even contributed a Kuranda Bed. Again Happy Birthday Delaney and THANK YOU!! : )

Thank You to Melissa's Pet Depot!


25 brand new Kong toys donated by Mellisa's Pet Depot & Kong to Forever Paws Animal Shelter. Shelter dogs need toys too! Happy Playing! We love the shelter dogs and puppies!

Thank You to CINTAS!


Thank you to all of the men and women from CINTAS for a wonderful day of volunteering from all of us at Forever Paws. They steam cleaned the kennels , sanded and painted the base boards, walked dogs, and much more !

Rocky's III!

For the third year in a row, Rocky's Ace Hardware's manager Adam Pavao brought in a truckload of donations for our shelter. He also collected over $500 in cash! This year Adam brought in his wife to help. We always look forward to seeing Adam and appreciate his dedication to helping our animals

Thank You to Ms. Pereira's Class! 

Ms. Pereira's class at Westport Middle School have raised money to help support Forever Paws Animal Shelter. Students have voted on which local charity in their community they would like proceeds to be donated to. This taught them social responsibility and the importance of giving back to their community. They selected Forever Paws Animal Shelter because of their love for animals.

The student's practiced many life skills that incorporated, math, science, and language arts as well as social skills during this project. Students spent much time making and decorating baked goods that were sold at all lunches. This provided social opportunities for students to interact with peers and adults in their school community. Students did a wonderful job making sales and managing money. 

After the successful bake sale, students were ecstatic that all their hard work raised over $221.00 to support their friends with paws. Through this global learning opportunity, students were able to benefit from this experience while displaying positive citizenship within their community.

Rocky's Returns!

Once again this holiday season Adam Pavao from Rocky's Ace Hardware, Fall River, collected over $800 for us!  He purchased and delivered a whole truckload of supplies to the shelter on Jan. 2, 2013.  Thank you Adam and Rocky's friends and staff for another very generous donation!   Adam is pictured here with Forever Paws manager Erin Pacheco: all smiles!

​Click Here to visit Rocky's Online!

Making Lemonade!​

Maya Rodgers raised $50 at a lemonade stand in her neighborhood for Forever Paws.   Sadly, the following day her dog passed away.  This donation is in memory of G.G. Cuddles.  

Thank you, Maya and family.

Cool Cool Lemonade!​

Grace and Quinn, two very cool young ladies decided to make some nice cool lemonade and donate profits from their stand to Forever Paws!  What a cool idea!!  Thanks, ladies!

A Job " Well Done!"

Sarah Amaral and Ella Schneider of Tiverton took it upon themselves to do something good!  They made posters, tried a lemonade stand, and then went around their neighborhood to raise money and buy supplies for our shelter.  It was their own idea, and they didn’t let a little rough going early on deter them.  Sarah and Ella brought their donations of food, blankets and other supplies to the shelter on July 12th and “Ollie” gave them a kiss for their efforts.   Thanks, girls, what a great example for everyone!

"I Just Love The Animals"

12 yr. old Jillian Weeks of Fall River, has become a regular donor to Forever Paws Animal Shelter.  She visits often and brings donations she has collected; including food, cleaning supplies, linens and toys.  When asked why she does this for us so unselfishly, she simply replied "I just love the animals".  How sweet!!  Thank you, Jillian from all of us at Forever Paws!

More Blessings

Members of the First Congregational Church of Fall River blessed us this year with a huge variety of donations, and a $100 check!  Thank you from all of your four and two legged friends at Forever Paws.

Another Year Older & Sweeter than Ever!
 Delaney Lippert of Little Compton collected donations for our shelter last year in lieu of birthday presents when she turned eight.  This year, Delaney has grown quite a bit and for her ninth birthday, collected $200 for us!!  She visited the shelter on March 26th and presented her donation. Delaney would like to work with animals some day, perhaps as a veterinarian.  What a sweet, wonderful young lady, and marvelous example to us all. Happy Birthday Delaney, from all of us at Forever Paws!
​Rockland Trust Grant

​​Thank you to Rockland Trust for their recent award of a $500.00 grant to Forever Paws Animal Shelter.  Without any local, state or federal funding, each donation is sorely needed and greatly appreciated!

The Back Eddy

The staff of The Back Eddy in Westport chose Forever Paws Animals Shelter for their holiday donation this year.  Monica Biszko is pictured delivering the goods with the help of shelter volunteer Manny Casimiro. Many thanks to all who participated for thinking of the animals of Forever Paws!

Rocky's Ace

On Tuesday, Dec. 27th, store manager Adam Pavao from Rocky's Ace Hardware of President Ave., Fall River came to Forever Paws and presented a truckload of donations!  Adam adopted a dog from us earlier this year and remembered all the animals still waiting for their forever homes this holiday season.  Pictured with Adam are Forever Paws employees Faye Brabant, Jim Griffin and Liz Medeiros along with manager Erin Pacheco.  Thank you Adam, and everyone at Rocky's Ace!!

​Crawford Skilled Nursing and Rehabilitation Center​

Many thanks to Crawford Skilled Nursing and Rehabilitation Center in Fall River. In honor of National Pet Day they gathered donations for Forever Paws. Micki, therapy dog owned by administrator Louise Merrick, came to present the collection to office manager Liz Tidwell. Accompanying her was Activities Director Debra Barros. What a wonderful gesture! : )

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